Manage Creators is a creator relationship management tool within Affiliate Center that allows you to manage many aspects of creator collaborations.
Using Manage Creators offers the following benefits:
- View how specific creators have performed for your store in the last 90 days (GMV, items sold, content posted with samples, etc.).
- Import lists of creators you work with on other platforms to see which ones are already on TikTok Shop
- Generate links to invite creators not on TikTok Shop yet to join the Affiliate Program.
- Organize your creator management by creating tags and labeling creators.
- Filter creators by follower size, category, GMV, and custom tags.
- Send Target Invites to creators in batches.
How to use Manage Creators
Step 1: Navigate to Manage Creators in the TikTok Shop Affiliate Center.
Step 2: In Manage Creators, you can view the creators that you’ve collaborated with in the past, in addition to key data on how each creator has performed for your shop in the last 90 days, including:
- The number of your products the creator added to their Showcase.
- The number of samples this creator received from you.
- The number of videos the creator posted with your products.
- The number of LIVE videos the creator posted with your products.
- The GMV the creator generated for your shop.
- The revenue this creator generated for your shop that was refunded.
- The number of items the creator sold for your shop.
- The number of items the creator sold for your shop, but was refunded.
- The estimated commission the creator generated from selling your products.
Step 3: To search for specific creators, you can use the filters at the top, including:
- Creator name: The name of the creator (not handle).
- Creator tags: The custom tags created by you.
- GMV: The GMV that the creator has generated for your Shop in the last 90 days.
- Categories: The creators who generated revenue or promoted products in that category in the last 30 days, or who added a product to showcase in the last 90 days.
- Followers: The followers that the creator has.
- Uploaded creators: Creators that you uploaded manually via the Batch upload function.
- Added from Find Creators: Creators that you added from the Find Creators page.
- Not invited in the past 90 days: Creators who have not received a Target Invite from you in the past 90 days.
- Not in the affiliate program: Creators that you uploaded manually via the Batch upload function and who have not yet joined TikTok Shop Affiliate.
Step 4: To create new tags, click on the Creatortags filter and select Creat new tag. Next, click on Create Tag. All tags will be shown here and can be edited or deleted. You can create up to 100 tags in total, and you can tag a creator with up to 10 tags.
Step 5: Use the Edit button to give a creator a new tag. You can tag multiple creators at once by clicking Batch tag creators, select the relevant creators, and then click Batch add tags. You can also batch delete tags by pressing Batch delete tags.
Step 6: The Batch upload tool is helpful for importing creators that you work with on other platforms:
- Click Batch upload to manually import these creators that you have not collaborated with yet on TikTok Shop.
- Download the Excel template and add the handles of creators you’d like to import. Make sure you follow the format that is noted in Excel.
- Upload the new Excel file by dragging it into the Drag a file here section.
- Once uploaded, you’ll see a list of creators that have been imported and whether they are eligible to promote products on TikTok Shop. If a creator can’t be imported, you’ll see a notification with a Download report link, which will provide the reasoning.
Step 7: If a creator is imported, but hasn’t joined TikTok Shop Affiliates yet, you’ll see a notification that the creator isn’t in the affiliate program. To collaborate, you can send them an invite to join TikTok Shop Affiliate by copying the invite link on the right and sharing it via email or TikTok messages. This link will take the creator to the TikTok Shop Affiliate onboarding page. You can also copy the link pressing View more in the notification.
Step 8: From this page, you can send Target Invites and Instant Messages or Remove creators.
- Note: This does not remove creators from a collaboration. It only removes them from being visible on this Manage Creators page.
Step 9: You can send Target Invites in batches of up to 100 creators by clicking Batch invite, selecting the relevant creators, and clicking Invite to collaborate.
Step 10: You can also send messages to multiple creators at once by following these steps:
- Click Batch message.
- Select the relevant creators and press Batch message.
- Select whether you want to send a Product card or a Picture the creator (you can send up to 5 product cards or up to 1 picture).
- If you choose Product card, then click Add product and select the relevant products to share in this message. After you click Add, you will see the product cards attached to the message.
- If you choose Picture, then upload a photo, which will be attached to the message. You can delete the photo and replace it by hovering over it and clicking the delete icon.
- In the Message module, enter a Title and the message Content. Then press submit.
- Note: TikTok limits the number of messages you can send to a creator depending on your weekly GMV. Look at Conversation initiations left this week to see how many messages you have remaining this week. Press check rules to see the detailed rules.
Step 10: Click on Products in showcase, Samples, or Videos to see more details about the products the creator has in their showcase, the sample requests that the creator has completed, and the videos that the creator has posted with your products.
- Note: When you click on Samples, it will redirect you to the Sample Requests page for more details.