Hello there friends and fellow sellers of the online world! You’re probably in just as much disbelief as I was when I stumbled upon this number sold. I knew it had to be a serious amount, as I’ve been at it for a handful of years now. And although I keep good track of the rest of my digits, I hadn’t thought about this one until recently. Let me tell you about it, and also how I’ve gotten to this point in my reselling career! Here’s my thoughts on how I officially sold 5000 reseller items on eBay platform.
Figuring Out Finances
Yep, we’re going there. I’m starting today off with a super fun finance chat because it’s something we all tend to look over when we’re first starting out. Usually, it’s all gung-ho and butterflies and rainbows because we haven’t gotten far enough down the rabbit hole to realize that we need to slow down a little bit. (That’s what happened to me, at least).
At first, it was easy to just sell a few things here or there, find a couple items from my closet, a family member, or friend. Heck, I even took a few too many trips to the thrift store back then as well! It was all fun and no work.
That’s where most of us go wrong. We forget to pay attention to our most important factors. How we’re getting paid!
A lot of folks don’t like talking about this subject, but it’s necessary to get through day-to-day living. If you’re not making at least somewhat of an income from your reselling, you may want to consider yourself a hobby seller. (Which is totally cool, too!)
For us larger resellers out there though, keeping track of your expenses and profits is very important and I highly recommend doing so from the absolute start if you’re thinking about becoming a reseller with a part, or even full-time income.
I’ve Finally Sold 5,000 Items!
As exciting as this is, I can’t say it’s been easy. Reselling has held its fair share of ups and downs, and to be honest, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
If you’ve read one of my recent posts, you’ll see that I’ve discovered a lot of changes about myself as a person.
Since becoming an actual “small business owner,” I’ve seen new doors open and others close more than ever before. Roads have been forged and roads have been forgotten, but one thing remains the same.
I still LOVE what I do.
The journey to selling 5,000 items (unique may I add), has been bumpy. I’ve had lots of people tell me how terribly I run my business. I’ve had others not even believing in what I actually do. I could also tell you about the hundreds of returns, refunds, missed flaws, and more that I’ve had to experience to learn how to navigate these situations better in the future.
That’s the prize though if you ask me. Growing not only as a business owner but as a person in general. Learning how to handle customers that are a little more difficult to others, finding ways to make things work when you didn’t think it was possible…these are all situations that I’d have never come across if I didn’t ever step foot into the reselling realm.
Goals for The New Year
Finding my passion wasn’t easy, I’ve had a lot of dead ends up until this point. But I’ve finally made it to a place where I really enjoy what I do every day, and I’m incredibly grateful for the help you all have given to support me in doing so.
My goal was and still is as this New Year approaches us, to give back to others the knowledge that I’ve learned along the way. Freedom really does and can come in working for yourself…you just have to be willing to actually make yourself work.
Whether or not you’ve found these posts helpful, inspiring, or important is not up to me. I want only to provide my experience to you so that you, too, can find the freedom of being a reseller and working from home.
I want to provide you, too, with the knowledge, ambition, and dedication to also sell 5,000 items on eBay. Because you can.
So, what are you waiting for?
Take ahold of the New Year and get a jump start on your business. Find ways that work best for you and follow those consistently every single time.
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