Legal Pages help site owners protect their blogs with lawsuit regulations. In WordPress, creating legal pages doesn’t require complex maneuvers.
In today’s article, we are going to learn how to create Legal Pages in Word-Press. Along with necessary information, today’s write-up also includes information about WordPress plugins for creating legal pages, and other options you can use to create legal pages.
What are Legal Pages in WP?
Legal Pages are considered normal pages in WordPress, but include information about the site’s address, access levels, and data collection policies according to the lawsuit regulations.
Tip: Creating Legal-Pages is mandatory if you’re selling digital products on your website.
For example, if a website collects users’ emails, legal pages such as Privacy Policy define how the particular site collects, stores, uses, and manages users’ email addresses after having being collected.
Examples of legal pages include Disclaimer, Terms and Conditions, Affiliate Policy, and other pages like Privacy Policy.
How to Create Legal Pages in WordPress?
Legal Pages in WordPress
There are many ways to create (Legal Pages in Word-Press). According to the expertise required, you can proceed with manual routines, use a WordPress plugin for the said purpose, or hire a professional lawyer instead.
Let’s address different ways to create legal pages in WP.
1. Manual routine
The manual procedure to create legal pages in WordPress consists of creating, writing, and managing pages in WordPress (manually). This includes creating new pages in WordPress like you create normal pages with WordPress default editor, and writing and publishing them using lawsuit information included.
In this case, the process requires collecting basic legal information first, such as policies on how your business operates on the Internet, followed by implementing the procedure of creating pages in WordPress.
2. Use a WordPress plugin
In WordPress, you can also use a plugin to create legal pages with a point and click interface. Having that clarified, the WordPress plugin also provides custom templates. For more information, learn how to create WordPress pages with ease.
In this case, you can choose a template right away, edit it, and publish it at the end. If you prefer more options, you can also sign up for a plugin’s premium plan for a more robust interface and features. One example of plugins in WordPress is Legal Pages.
3. Hire a professional lawyer
While this option is ideal, it costs you much higher than using a manual or plugin’s method to create legal-pages in WordPress. In this case, you will need to spend anywhere between $500-1000.
However, if you can afford how to hire a professional lawyer to create legal pages for your business, you should proceed to hire one of Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr in this case.
4. Buy a pack of legal page templates
The option to purchase a pre-made pack of legal page templates seems promising to most of us. As a beginner, you can also purchase a pack of legal page templates, easy to use, point and click options to create legal pages on your website.
In this case, what you do is make minor changes to existing templates and publish them right away. This makes creating, writing, and publishing legal pages on your site more enjoyable and easy. A normal Google search can list hundreds of bundles of legal page templates for a small fee.
Over to you
Creating legal page templates for a site that sells digital products is more important than creating LP(s) for a static website. In this case, sites with no legal pages in place may face legal complications.
If your site collects and uses cookies, users’ email addresses, and other sensitive data for financial transactions, it is mandatory to create and publish legal pages on your WordPress website.
If you know how to create legal pages manually in WordPress, it is better to proceed with the WordPress default editor. However, otherwise, you can proceed to create legal pages with WordPress plugins or hire a professional lawyer instead for a fee.