Cigars have been a mark of luxury and relaxation for centuries, enjoyed by people from all walks of life. But for those new to the cigars world, knowing where to begin can be intimidating. In “How to enjoy a good cigar,” we’ll cover the basics of how to enjoy a good cigar.
Choose the right cigar
The first step to enjoying a good cigar is choosing the right one. Cigars come in a variety of strengths, sizes, and shapes. Start by choosing a milder cigar if you’re a beginner. Additionally, consider the cigar’s wrapper, which can impact the flavor. Connecticut wrappers tend to be milder, while Maduro wrappers are stronger.
Cut the cigars properly
Before lighting the cigar, you need to cut the end off. Using a guillotine cutter, cut off about 1/8th inch from the end of the cigar. Avoid using scissors, which can crush the cigar and ruin the experience.
Light the cigar correctly
To light the cigar, hold the flame to the end of the cigar and slowly rotate it to get an even light. Avoid holding the cigar in the flame directly, as this can cause it to burn unevenly. Additionally, do not inhale the smoke – simply let it roll over your tongue and enjoy the flavor.
Take your time
One of the most important aspects of enjoying a cigar is taking your time. Cigars are meant to be savored and enjoyed slowly. Don’t rush through the experience, instead, take your time and let the flavors develop.
Pair with a beverage
Cigars pair well with various beverages, including whiskey, cognac, and coffee. Choose a beverage that complements the flavor of your cigar and enhances the experience.
Store the cigars properly
To enjoy a good cigar, you need to store them properly. Keep cigars in a humidor to maintain the ideal temperature and humidity levels. Avoid storing cigars in the refrigerator, as this can dry them out.
Know when to stop
It is essential to know when to stop smoking a cigar. Smoking a cigar too far down can result in an unpleasant taste and harsh smoke. It is recommended to stop smoking the cigar when there is about an inch of tobacco remaining.
Experiment and try new things
Finally, don’t be afraid to experiment and switch things up. There are countless varieties of cigars to try, each with its own unique flavors and aromas. Don’t hesitate to step out of your comfort zone and try something new.
Enjoying a good cigar is all about taking your time, choosing the right cigar, and savoring the experience. With these few tips in mind, you can enjoy a good cigar like a pro!
If you need a high-quality cigar, Flying Cigars stocks cigars for the discerning cigar connoisseur. Additionally, they stock a variety of accessories that will be guaranteed to make your cigar experience an enjoyable and memorable one.
For first-time cigar smokers, you can find a wide selection of cigars that will not cost you your month’s salary. Head over to the Value Cigars page on Flying Cigars online store and pick your selection of Value Cigars that will suit your pocket and taste.